Thursday, September 24, 2015

Crook and Thief - seriously?!?

Brockman went after The Trooper for calling him a crook and a thief. What a joke.

Hey when the shoe fits... According to The Trooper, Brockman did not like being referred to as Bernie Madoff either. Brockman claimed it damaged his image. Just typing that is way too funny.

Of course the court was really sad that Brockman felt he was attacked. Awww too bad did someone on the playground get hurt? Maybe a booboo.

Well one thing Bob did not mind was being called Bobo. I say we should stick with that tradition. Bobo the clown.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Greatest Company until Bob Brockman took over

I love it. I did a google search for Reynolds and Bob Brockman. I find a weblink to Great Growing Company until Bob Brockman took over.

That is a great read. I will re-post in case some people can not get to the website.

Where do I start ... After hours "desk inspections" by management, no raises for years and years, The CEO would call "all hands meetings" to tell us who to vote for in local and national elections, upper management wears badges that say "EXECUTIVE" on their shirt so employees can show appropriate respect, no hard drives - everything is stored on common drives so it can be "reviewed" in case someone decides to do some…

Obviously this was written by a Bob Brockman fan. Someone that really looks up to the dude. Give me a break. They monitor websites and if your resume is on it, you are terminated. No fear there. Way to treat people with respect. I have tons of horror stories about the inside of Reynolds which I will share in future posts.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

DealerRefresh Thread

It is quite an interesting read on You can go to the thread and read it yourself, but the basics is Reynolds is screwing the dealer.

Do you see a common theme? I do.

Basically the dealership wants to automate tasks on a daily/hourly basis. You know run a business more efficiently. That is not what Reynolds wants. Reynolds wants to control everything about the dealerships. Meaning if they do not pay they can not run things automatically. What is really funny is they used to be able to run software and services automatically until Reynolds went into lockdown.

Oh wait... Lockdown... "Security" They made the dealerships more secure, forget the fact they are making a ton of money. How convenient. Thank god for Reynolds watching over the dealerships to make them more "Secure". Makes me sleep better at night knowing the dealerships are completely protected because Reynolds says so.

Reynolds controls when/what/who has access to dealership data. That makes them more secure. No one could possibly hack that system.

Oh wait there is more... everyone must pay. I forgot that little bit. Payment fixes all the security issues.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

More worthless lawsuits

Do you see a theme to Bob Brockman and how he operates?

If you curious how many lawsuits over the years, go to In the search type things like "universal computer". Not all are his, but 99% of them in Texas are. Anyway you get the idea.

Now why would a guy so brillant do so many lawsuits? Might it be that he makes money from them. Maybe a lot of money from them, so he can finance the next lawsuit. I think we might have found an answer to how Mr. Brockman was able to get so much money. Oh wait he also screwed the dealers out of a ton of money, so between the two he is now unstoppable.

I love all the Ford lawsuits in the list, because Ford is the one company that created this nightmare. Ford was able to give Brockman 100% control over all their dealers. Once in control he screwed them out of so much money it was sick. Then with the money to started to buy companies and put others out of business. Once he acquired enough he bought Reynolds and the rest is history. The dealership market will never be the same again. Oh well.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to control the automotive industry

How to control the automotive industry (step by step)

1. Get a legal team and spare no expense

2. Send out letters to the dealerships and the world that Reynolds is helping with "Security" because "Security" is such a scary thing nowdays. Lots of grey area in the legal system over "Security", so if someone wants to fight they are going to pay. Just mention "Security" gets half of the automotive industry on your side.

3. Create RCI (Reynolds Certified Interface) and tell everyone in the world that anyone that is *NOT* RCI then they are the bad guy. They can not be trusted, even though many of the companies have been working with Reynolds dealers for years. Threaten the dealer and tell them if they choose a non-RCI company they are in jeorpardy of losing all their data and information. Maybe resulting in legal action from Reynolds (that usually does the trick).

4. Then with all competitors paying or out of business - 100% control is within Bob's grasp. Not done yet, however. Change the ERAccess / Ignite system to a system that can not be used by anyone but a human. This further instils fear in the dealership. Do things my way or die at the hands of evil Reynolds (automatic lockouts, removal of reports, removal of scripts... etc).

5 Force the dealers into long term contracts, without even thinking of leaving. If they try and leave sue them, their neighbor, and the baby sitter for even thinking about leaving. I think we call that **CONTROL**.

That ladies and gentlemen is how you take control over automotive dealerships.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Stomp out competion using legal

Bob is the master of using the legal system to get what he wants. He has been doing the exact same thing before he owned UCS. I will reveal some of the tricks Bob uses to destroy competition and gain control.

The first thing is he files tons of patents with the USPTO office. Even if these patents are junk or there is prior art he gets his approved. The USPTO office is so overwhelmed by applications they approve like 10,000 new applications each year. The patent system is busted, but no one seems like they can fix it, including Obama. We do not have that many new ideas every year. 99% of the new stuff created is from someone's prior art just rehashed with a new theme.

If you go to Patent Search and type Brockman. Click go, and you will see a ton of patents. Not every patent is owned by him, but many in the list are his. That is step one get a patent.

Step 2 - wait for someone to step into the patent trap. Also considered a "patent troll". Once someone does something close to one of his patents, time to call out the big legal guns. Let the beat down begin. Destroy the person that is in the trap with every legal means at your disposal. If the person fights back, just keep filing until they run out of money or time or both.

Step 3 - Victory... Clean up and take everything that person owns. Everything that person thought they might own. Take their dog, house, car, grandmother's pillow, everything. Destroy them and make it so they can not tell anyone about the trap. So the next person can step into it, and go back to Step 2.

Not that Bob has actually invented anything or done anything useful for the automotive industry. Make no mistake he controls it thru legal enforcement.