Saturday, August 8, 2015

How *NOT* to run a company

Well boys and girls here is a lesson in how not to run a company.

For starters, the textbook examples are:
  • How to treat employees like shit
  • How to get every customer pissed at you
  • How to get OEM's mad at you and they do not want to do business with you
  • How to make RCI (certified companies) pissed
  • Become the laughing stock of the industry
If you were not able to guess this, the company is Reynolds & Reynolds owned and operated by Bob Brockman. You must be saying the company is huge and must be successful. This blogger does not know what he is talking about.

The great pitfall.
I love it when people refer to a company that is too big to fail. No way we have tons of revenue and we are great, etc etc. Drink more kool-aid, because no matter how big you are if you treat people like shit, they will not be around. Examples are putting updates at dealerships, to "secure" their system when in fact all it does is cause the dealer lots of issues. Things like locking users or removing features, etc. Reynolds is a shrinking company and losing dealers by the day. I know a lot of people reading this are saying BS, but mark my words. Dealers are leaving the crappy practices of Reynolds by the day. When contracts come up they are looking for other options.

It is quite a scene to watch. A 2bn, company imploding.10 years or less and Reynolds will be smaller than Dealertrack and Auto/Mate. Both companies are adding dealerships at a high rate. Like I said you can not treat badly, before they start looking for other options

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