Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Security - DMS issue

For all the talk the DMS's do about security what a joke. Why do they charge for the additional security? Shouldn't security be part of the core DMS system? I do not remember Apple/Google/Microsoft charging companies to write software for their systems having to pay an extra fee?

Why does the Automotive industry think these 3rd party companys need to be charged for the "extra" security? By the way - even though a 3rd party pays the money to Brockman and this team of junkies, what stops the 3rd party from selling or using the data? Do you think 90 year old Brockman is sharp enough to know what every 3rd party is doing with the data? Wrong... Actually Brockman does not give a crap about what the 3rd parties do with the access, as long as they pay. See the theme?

Security is a such a joke.
How is popping a captcha image making the dealership any more secure? Oh wait I know the answer "Money". That will make the dealership more secure for sure

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