Well it was funny just typing the title. It is such a joke, I still laugh about it today.
Well ERAccess fans, let me explain how the Captcha crap works.
Brockman and his team of trailer park developers created a database on ERAccess that I will call the "naughty" list. If your ERAccess UserId does "naughty" things on ERAccess your UserId gets put into that database.
Let me try and explain. In order for ERAccess to know whether or not you are a computer or a person, they have to write software to try and determine this. What is the "difference" between a computer and a human you might ask? Speed is one obviously simple answer. Computers can go at a much faster speed than a human. The trailer park developers actually measure the speed of communication from the keyboard to ERAccess.
Here is how it works...
If your UserId types too fast, guess what you get added to the "naughty" list. If you get added x number of times you are in trouble... ("wait till your dad gets home"). Your account gets the famous "Your account is locked due to suspicious activity", or wait better yet. "Please type this Captcha" because we can not tell if you are human or computer.
Wait it gets better - The real fun stuff. Computers are so advanced they can act like humans. Take Captcha for example. Tons of developers have learned how to defeat the little weird characters on the screen. You can watch a cool video of it here. There are so Captcha defeaters, it is sick.
The best part of all this is Bob and his trailer park developers worked their asses off putting all these little road blocks in, which a high school kid can get around. Reynolds works for 2 months to put together a lock, that a high school kid can defeat in 15 mintues after seeing it.
What next dongles for the PC like Bob used to use at UCS, so dealers can not buy their own PC's?
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