Monday, June 29, 2015

Bad thoughts

 Hello fellow associates.  I have been struggling the past few weeks. I have had a few people email me the last few weeks and they told me that I am in a state of depression. They could be right. I have not seen the sun in two months, and it would be nice to get some fresh air, but my lungs will freeze. So instead I stay indoors, and keep to myself, which can not be healthy.  I have been having weird thoughts lately about URey's management. I am supposed to be a good Christian person, yet having thoughts of bad things happening to upper management creeps into my mind.  For the most part everyone at URey is very professional and upbeat, however there are a few bad apples that really hurt the overall organization. In my opinion it starts at the top, and effects everyone down the tree.  I know some of you think I am just bitching... That might be true, but it sure makes me feel better. Someone will tell me to quit and move on. I had that thought as well, then I had another thought (yes 2 in the same year).  It is now a game between me and Bobo. He is about 15 years older than me, so I predict he will be gone and many of his procedures will be gone as well. In the end I will win, because I will see everything he worked so hard to do, fall apart. If everything goes as planned I should have the last laugh.  PS - There is a vote on the sidebar as to whether to remove any comment that is not about URey. I personally don't mind people having the freedom of speech as long as they can be adult about it. 

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