Monday, June 29, 2015

Fab 4

Trooper  thought this image would be suitable for talking about the URey Fab 4.  Someone in the comments section loves to bash them, so I figured an image might help direct some anger. (maybe on a future post I will get a pic of Bob, and watch the comment section lite up)  Hitting everyone right now is pay cuts.  has not had a pay cut (yet), but I realize I am not immune to this disease. I know a few associates that have received a pay cut for there dedication and hard work. Let me tell you, it feels very rewarding knowing your managers have your back in these hard times (NOT!).  Someone asked if I saw the Microsoft DMS? I saw samples and brochures on the product and I was not impressed. I talked with reps at NADA about the product in great length. The reps thought I was with a dealership because I wore a Dealer badge, so they talked to me about all pieces of the product. They explained how it works, and what intergration points they are working on. I also saw some of the Microsoft partner demos (such as Autosoft, PBS, etc), which once again I was not that impressed. 

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