Monday, June 29, 2015

Texas Tornado

Trooper  thought this sounded like a good topic with all the things happening lately.  I need to address a few concerns I read in the comments section. I was called Bob Brockman by someone and I take exception to that. You can call me any name you want, other than that. (ie. POS, dirt bag, ahole, etc, but not Bob) The next exception I did not like is being called a UCS drone. Please do you really think I would waste my time making posts, if I was a UCS drone? They don't care what you think or complain about. I do however give an outlet for people to vent and talk about what is happening internally at camp URey. I read a comment about Microsoft DMS. Please... I don't want dealers screwed anymore than the next guy, but Microsoft? Did anyone on here actually see a demo at NADA? I did, and I was not impressed. Zero intergration with the OEMs. Without that they might as well stick to Word and Excel. At the rate they are going they have another 5 years of development to catch ADP & Reynolds. Not including all dealers are locked into long term contracts. ADP Drive anyone hear of it? If not do a google search. Interesting product. I don't know if it will really help the dealers or not. I was talking to an ADP dealer the other day and they were complaining about the ADP pricing structure as well. The funny thing this used to be a Rey customer and they jumped ship. The real question is did they jump from one fire to the next? Sure they got away from Bobo, but now they are bending over for ADP. - (Not Bobo)

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