Monday, June 29, 2015

OSU loses to USC

 I am sure many reading this are wondering why I am making a post about football on a URey website.  Well the real reason is I have no idea what is happening. I am hearing rumors of layoffs (of course I hear those all the time). Whenever I try and talk to anyone to see what might be happening. I get the normal response... "We lost to USC last Saturday." That is all everyone keeps talking about. It is almost like the world stopped because OSU lost a football game.  I have heard quite a few people complaining about the new RCI and 7601 access. I guess with the lock down of 7601, quite a few dealerships are not happy (can not blame them). I love the types of questions being asked. It is like we are in second grade again. What a joke. The only thing it stops is companies that have scripts written to access 7601. Most of those companies told the dealership to answer the question and the script will continue. The questions did not seem to stop any companies, it seemed to just make it harder for the dealerships to do there job. 

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