Monday, June 29, 2015

Welcome to the Reynolds & Reynolds News & Information site

Welcome to the Reynolds & Reynolds News & Information site. I have been part of the older Reynolds Alumni site for quite some time. I have been reading and writing in the comment section. Lots of information about the way the new company is structured and is being structured. Information within Reynolds is so difficult to come by, hopefully this blog will help with some good news.  I figured I could do my part and start a new blog. Not only about helping past and present Reynolds employees attempt to re-unite, but also to help get some information distributed about what is happening within Reynolds.  This is an open forum and say whatever you want, however everyone gets more out of this site if things are keep clean and mature.  The Christmas party was a huge success. Lots of fellow employees meeting and greeting. Having a good time. Some of the people actually met Bob for the first time.  Please share the good stories about the party.  Welcome,


  1. is anyone still monitoring posts to this site?

  2. Tell us, how did the lawsuit that Brockman had against Trooper get resolved?
