Monday, June 29, 2015


 Well I wanted to wish everyone a long and happy weekend. I need a little extra time to relax. I have been so stressed that I need some time to think and reflect.  I was not going to make a post, but this email came in and I just had to post it. At first I was laughing to myself, and then later became depressed due to the fact Reynolds was once a very good company to work for. So sad. This blog does have a purpose. Please read the email below.  Thanks for running the reynoldsinformation blog -- you may have just saved me from jumping ship from one doomed employer to another...  My current dayton-area employer's laid off a lot of people, had major budget cuts, and I can't honestly see how we'll remain open until this time next year.    Needless to say, I've been trying to get out for the better part of a year. I've noticed a *lot* of IT-related openings for reyrey popping up on various job sites (including Craigslist?  Honestly, wtf?)...That many oddly worded IT postings on job sites, a new data center being built by a firm with a huge note hanging over it's head in a market where dealers are losing OEM franchises.....Yeah, thanks, I think I'll just up and leave IT, and go back to working with concrete.

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